Over 10 years we help companies reach their financial and branding goals. Engitech is a values-driven technology agency dedicated.



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5 Wiring Questions to Ask Before Building Your New Home

Your broadband internet network is an important part of your home or business. With the right wiring, you can enjoy the fast broadband internet speeds, crystal-clear TV connections, and reliable phone services that greatly enhance the functionality of your space. Are you building or remodeling a single-family home? A multiple-dwelling unit? Or even a new […]


Need Money for College? Apply Now for an NDTC Scholarship

At NDTC, we believe students are the future leaders of our communities, our country, and our world. One way we put this belief into action is through our scholarship program. Every year since 1999, our company has awarded $750 scholarships to ten area high school seniors who pursued higher education after graduation. To date, we’ve given […]

A dad, mom, and daughter watching TV together in a modern living room

How to Balance Screen Time in Your Daily Life

There’s no doubt that smart devices have improved how we work and play. However, screen time adds up quickly when we use technology to read the news, watch TV, or write a paper. In a recent study, American adults admitted to being online “almost constantly.” This excess screen time can lead to anxiety, isolation, and […]

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