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Woman looking at computer in public coffee shop. The Do’s & Don’ts of Public Wi-Fi

The Do’s & Don’ts of Public Wi-Fi

Free public Wi-Fi! Something offered free in this world! But wait. If it seems too good to be true, usually it is too good to be true. These amenities are available for your convenience, but unfortunately, cybercriminals also love to use free Wi-Fi and public charging stations to access and steal your sensitive information. The […]

Happy Retirement Norman Schommer. Thank you for 30+ years!

A Big Thank You to Norman Schommer

Congratulations to Norman Schommer of Munich, ND! Norman is retiring after over 30 years as an intermittent member of the NDTC Board of Directors. We would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Norman for his unwavering dedication and leadership over the years. Norman and his wife Shirley grew up in the Munich area and […]

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